

Curriculum Mapped

All courses will be directly mapped to the training curriculum objectives of one or more clinical neurosciences specialities. Simulated courses will dovetail with established comprehensive review courses (e.g. Queen Square Review Course) and sub-speciality conferences (e.g. British Neuroendoscopy Courses). 

For example, for neurosurgical courses, the ISCP curriculum (split into 3 phases) will provide a framework for targeted learning. For each phase, attention will be paid to the prescribed index procedures and overarching curriculum topics. Accordingly, Phase 1 (ST1-2) courses will be directed at attaining core surgical skills, basic open cranial skills and basic open spinal skills. Phase 2 (ST3-6) courses will build on these, introducing basic microsurgery skills, applied cranial microsurgical skills, applied spinal microsurgical skills and basic endoscopic skills. Finally, Phase 3 (ST7-8) will be aimed at consolidating areas of specialist practice for senior trainees and sub-speciality fellows.


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